Friday, September 18, 2009

My ghost buddies!

Is three times a charm??? Three ghost and three tries at posting the cards to this blog???? I think my computer is having issues, but I don't know how to deal with them! Slow, slow, slow... or am I so impatient????
I may have posted a few of these guys already... all from Whipper Snapper, all hand drawn to delight you! It wasn't as cold this morning for the walk, but our hearts for some reason weren't in to it. Maybe because we started out late! My side has been hurting for a few days... not sure what it is... maybe its some of my extra tummy fat complaining about it's tight quarters!
Any hoo... I don't think I need to explain anything about my cards. Just cute and whimsical, how I like them. All cards can be for sale.... just send me an email if you are interested.
Weird hockey tourney last night and for the rest of the weekend. Bubba's team tied at 1's. DH was truly disappointed, all that work (1-1/2 drive there and back) they had about 75 shots on goal and scored once... 20 guys on the JV team too. The other team had about 10 shots on goal and 10 guys.... who played tougher??? Sissy's v-ball team won as well.... but the coach just harped on how bad they played and she was embarrassed by their show (I wasn't there) poor kid, I feel bad for the team, but told her she needs to document the freshman coaches negativity and present their side intelligently to the Varsity coach and have a meeting how it 'really' is to play for a negative coach! We'll see!!!
Whenever someone says "I'm not book smart, but I'm street smart", all I hear is "I'm not real smart, but I'm imaginary smart".

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

Totally adorable ghost! I love the one with the bat! Sports are so much fun :)


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