Wednesday, December 02, 2009

How about a warm mug and a howdy?

This is an image from my bin (last years stuff) that I added a few more pines to the hedge hog's spine to fill him out a bit.... I guess my coloring in last year was slacking.... they look much better now. Nothing too hard here. A fun warm greeting card. Just going through my stash of cards, that are for sale by the way. $2 each. They look like they are having a great conversation, don't you think??

I'm off to the high school.... seems Sissy forgot to bring her reading book to school. Mmmmm, will she remember these nice things her mommy did for her? Then off to work stuffing envelopes with $5 pizza hut cards!!! Happy Day!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

So adorable! Now your really having me wanting snow so I can have mug of cocoa :) Ha ha ha!


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