Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Painted Chair

Not that it's completly great painting weather, but here is a painted chair project I have been working on for a few weeks!!! (whew) My parents found the chair while out scrummaging!! Thanks..... so bit by bit.... I've just been painting it into a jolly chair, for someone's porch, flower garder or fun room!!!

I thought maybe if we get asked to contribute to another silent auction or something like that, instead of my cards (which seem well liked, just not requested) maybe this chair might bring in more offers!!!

While out walking the other day, I found another chair.... so stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

OMG Peggy! I love the way you painted this chair! I would so use this in my dinning room! Love the fun colors you used! I have wanted to paint my dinning room chairs like this for a while! What kind of paint did you use?


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