Friday, January 16, 2009

Need a little warmth

Right now I seem to be making an eclectic style range of cards ... bouncing back and forth between colors and themes. On this card I used a cute little butterfly punch and some older patterned background's about time I used up. I think the card describes itself, warm!

Ha! Warm.... today is the coldest day I recall in my adult life.. OMG!!! I woke up to -17 degrees.... two degrees colder than yesterday.(That's not even with the windchill) That can't be right! A patient yesterday boldly said that he thinks it's even warmer in Alaska! Weather can be quite the topic! No school today either! It's my day off an I was going to run errands... I might just want to go hibernate!

"Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime."

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

This is a warm card! I love the colors and the layout! This weather is crazy we are at -20 without school...and the Power and light bill is going to be crazy I am sure- all I can hear is the furnace kicking on every few minutes :(Hope you get lots done today! I have lots of errands to do- for Leighia's graduation party on Sunday! Hopefully the van starts today!


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