Sunday, January 11, 2009

Zindorf 1-05

Sadly I did not get to post yesterday, I had been doing so well in keeping up with my blog, but one thing led to the next and pretty soon I was out the door( eight hours later) to a volleyball tournament to the city reported with the most snow in the Chicago suburbs.... over 9"!!!

So, the back yard looks like how it did at Christmas time, we're back to almost a foot of snow on the ground. The snow piles are just amazingly huge!! Record cold temperatures are supposed to bless us now! (Enough about the weather, and sadly the tournament didn't go well for Sissy's team... she did played well!!)

Here is a Zindorf tutorial card I made last week. I'm not sure I like it. I love most of the cards from her, and I really havent sold or given away these 'tutored cards', I like looking at them, I think they are so amazaing.... created with graduations of ink color! This card is different for me too, because it's long...4-1/4" by about 7"... I'm going to see if I even have an envelope for it.

Hopefully today I will get some time in my craft room!! I feel I've missed viewing so many great cards to inspire my creativity!!

Happy Day, Stay warm!

"Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants."

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

First off your card is gorgeous! Second- I am sick of this super cold weather or snow all the time! I need a vacation to some place warm! LOL! Third to pay about the v-ball :(


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