Friday, May 15, 2009

My front door!

Well, I do other things crafty besides making cards. Really, I do.

Years ago before the kids were born, I went to MATC... Milwaukee Area Technical College, I actually have a certificate in Floral Design... ha ha! Really, I do, but it's funny to say.

Here's my front door wreath that I hot glued together last week. And you can get a snippet of what it's like to be welcomed into my house... a few of my antiques, tastefully placed. It is so funny... (funny and really I do, my two phrases of the day!) my walls are a light light butter cream yellow, but always come out stark white with my wee little digital camera.

A friend of mine, actually, I've been inspired a couple of times... collect their Sir Name first letter... so I started doing that, and using them as wall art etc.... thus the R's.

There are lots of parts of my house that I really like. The front door entryway is one of them. Welcome to my house!!


Cheryl Houston said...


K Hutchinson said...

Flower your wreath- so pretty!


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