Saturday, May 16, 2009

What 15-1/2 looks like

So, as I've gotten older, at times I try to remember what it was like to be a teenager, and don't remember much. What I remember is the few pictures I took. What did my room look like when I was 16?? Could I tell some of my personality by looking at the 'things' I had on my walls, what I collected on my tack board? What books were in my book shelf???

And now think the digital camera is the coolest invention ever. No more film, the cost of purchase and developing, and then paying for crappy underlit, over exposed pictures! You can take hundreds, and thousands of pictures and toss out every one or use 10, whatever. So, I have a small quest of going around taking pictures of not just the 'special' events in our lives, but our every day life!

Here is my teenager, with Playstation in his room, one day after school.

He enjoys this, and here is his room. All boy!!! Hockey player, tennis player, speaks Chinese, high honors, just became an upper classmen mentor, chef.... and little boy with his video toys!!!

Stay tuned for more life!

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