Friday, February 06, 2009

Upsy Daisy

Oh, whose talking about weather? It's possible it will get up to 48 degrees tomorrow.... who-hoo! That is a heat wave!

'Nugh about that... heres a cute Upsy Daisy card I made last week. Love the green and brown color combo. I have a few scraps of the SU! background paper laying around (grin). And followed another great card makers layout... end result, a cute note card anyone would love to receive?

Short day at work today, but both kids have sports practice after school. So I will be running around, then! I love playing in my craft room, but it's getting pretty messy, probably need to do some cleaning and purging.

"Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need."

1 comment:

Cheryl Houston said...

I love that quote! I often say that when I look at people and see that they have more material things than I. But, really... I have all I need. :)


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