Saturday, February 07, 2009

Valentine Mail Box

The other day we were talking at Highlowaha about these adorable mailboxes from the $1 bin at Target. So dang cute!! A lovely way to give a gift filled with chocolates, cookies or a gift card, to that special someone in your life. Below are two examples, and three different views. Just going outisde the (mail) box for today's post.

This last one could be more for a birthday gift.

Oh, just one last thing about the weather, the thermometer already says 52 degrees, who hoo... the snow is melting, we see grass, the downspouts are dripping, and it's a sunny, windy day, a taste of spring, what relief!!
"Do the right thing."


Cheryl Houston said...

Omg. I'm trying not to swear... those are so #)($# cute!!!

K Hutchinson said...

I have never tried to do one of this mail boxes after seeing yours I think I need to run out and get one! SO dang cute!


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