Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Black Friday

I've been playing around too much with my blog that now I've 'done it'. I can't get my image to appear. I will have to figure something out later. No shopping for me as an early bird.... what could I want... I couldn't even look through all of those ads that came in the paper yesterday. I've got to put away dishes from Turkey day.... the Christmas tree is half way up and needs to be decorated. There is laundry to fold, rooms to pick up, take the pooch for a walk and maybe go see the movie Twilight. Shopping.... not for me.... hope you found some good buys!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

Sounds like a fun day at home! Joe and I did the sales! I got a new red Mr. Coffee pot and Fiesta dishes! I am over the MOON!


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