Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Summer Vacation

Yay! I didn't want to spoil it yesterday, but it was my first official day of summer vacation. School is out for the summer! And I'm ready! I've got things to do on my 'to do' list. I'm going to relax and forgot about the kids... well the ones at school, not my own... and then I'm going to freak out!! when I have to think about what I can, want to do next fall.... since I was bottom of the totum poll, they did not have a position to hire me back! But who wants sad news, this is all positive!! A little bella of sorts, my version with a gift of flowers with little seed bead centers. I had got this swirls background a while back from Target of all places, not a $1... but felt it would be a nice addition for those light and airy backgrounds.

If you shoul feel you ever want to be counted for.... I believe anyone can leave a comment and let me know you were here... if you click on the comment line it should take you to another link.... you may have to post your email for varification.... but you want to be heard!!! Don't you... or drop me a line at!

Happy 2nd day of summer vacation for me!


K Hutchinson said...

Yippee summer vacation is the best! Enjoy! Lovely card today!

Cheryl Houston said...


Found you from You have great cards!

I find lots of great blogs like yours when you post a comment, I'll click on the peoples names and check out what they're doing, too. Like kim h. in your comment section... she has a great blog too from just the little bit I read. I love finding creative people!

Hope to see you more on


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