Hi Blog Friends!
Are there some days you really couldn't give a flying hoot about what's happening in the world???
Not give a HOOT: to not be interested (or give a damn)
There is always a lot going on... but if you turn off the computer and the television, don't read the paper or listen to the radio.... are you really better off not knowing what's going on? Is ignorance bliss?
I get caught up in this dilemma often!!
Is it important to care about what's happening in the world around us? Certainly!!
Are there a lot of crazy things happening out of one's control? Absolutely!!!
Should you try your best to treat others with kindness and compassion? Yes, definitely!!
Can you be all things to all people? No, it can't be done!
So, with that as my justified answer, I'm going to try my best to continue and SHINE in my corner of the world.
Here are two recent cards I created in a series of Owl Creative Greeting Cards.
Book Page Doodle
Most all of my cards are invitation size, A2 which is 4-1/4" x 5-1/2". I doodled on an old book page and added watercolors.
Swirly Owl
This one is cropped close, you can't even see the card back.... but the recipient surely could color in the swirly owl!
Do you wish to BRIGHTEN Someone's Day? FuN Mail is a good way to do it!
I've said it for years, we often don't look forward to going to the mailbox anymore because it's filled with bills or ads for things we don't need. However, if we started a movement to send out more HAPPY Mail, or more FuN MaiL..... it would be a way to let a friend know that you were thinking of them.
Who? Doesn't need a little more SHINE in their life???
I make FuN MaiL!!!
What can I create for you?