Sunday, June 19, 2016

Greeting Card Update

Hello Friends!!

I'm here! Being creative every day, still.... but not always here on the blog.

Looking for a great card for a special friend?  In the need of a small hostess gift?  Want a birthday gift that will be truly loved???  Pick out a few cards from PRDesigns, creative greetings.

My cards are unique and whimsical.... and one of kind!

House Warming Card
Add a gift card to the local Home Depot or
Dinner out on you, to a local diner.

 Book Lover Friend
Add a gift card to Barnes & Noble
or a cute journal with a pen

Want your friend to know that they are a super
Add a gift card to a spa or some funky nail polish with a file!

Can't quite put your finger on it.... but you want a special card?

More ideas can be found on the left side of this blog.  Clicking on one of the categories takes you to a post that has that style card.  Similar cards can be recreated.  Four, five or 6 pack of a variety of cards make a great gift!!<----- 6="" and="" another="" any="" blog="" can="" cards="" categories="" click="" created.="" custom="" five="" for="" gifts="" great="" i="" it="" just="" made="" make="" nbsp="" of="" on="" or="" other="" our="" p="" pack="" post="" samples="" similar="" something="" take="" the="" to="" too="" variety="" ve="" will="" with="" you="">

I'd be happy to answer any of your questions. I mail anywhere in the US using Priority Shipping. Never had any ask if I mail overseas.... but standard international shipping rates would apply.  

Email me at  

Send snail mail, and Brighten Someone's Day

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