Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just a note

As regularly happen exchange between two persons, which is also termed as a relationship between pen mal working letters as basically kind of humanly communication and friendship to each other.
I made to 3"x3" boxes this past week following the SCS tutorial here. I also made matching envelopes from a template I created, but have to find a recipe to be able to lick them shut. Maybe that will be today's goal. I put five little note cards in each box.

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

oh my these little boxes with note cards are so cute! I have wanted to make them for a while never got around to it! LOL! You can buy stuff to roll on your handmade envelopes to make them lick and shut- they sell it a Micheal's. I can't remember what is called - maybe lick and seal.


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