Monday, March 09, 2009

Matching Birthday Gift Pak

Here's a cute little project I worked on over the weekend. A 4 card gift set in a matching pak! All four of the cards are within the same color scheme and use all the same designer background paper to look like they match! Birthday, thinking of you, blank and Easter.

During stamp camp we learned to make this little holder. If anyone is interested in dimensions, just email me. It probabably could hold 6 cards w/envies comfortable. I like that everything matches and looks like a complete gift set.

I sang a little Orphan Annie yesterday... OHHHHHHHH....The sun will come out, tomorrow... and it did... sunny blue skies after a long weekend of rain. Off to the orthodontist today, and work later!!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

WOW look at all those cool cards and holder! I am so glad you sang the sun will come out tomorrow- I was sick of the rain- plus Annie is my favorite musical!


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