Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Snow Blocked

Striving for PROGRESS can be stopped instantly when you hit a brick wall!! Bonk!!! I'm hitting a brick wall!!!! Literally and figuratively

All I wanted to do is add photos from my iPhone to my 'new' laptop and I can't figure it out!

Aargh!! It worked the other day!!!  New technology is great, however, when you don't have the tools, skills and knowledge to know how to get what you want, it can also be very frustrating!!

My new year.... my one little word is.... PROGRESS

Okay.... before I got to this point, I had no pictures on my blog post.... so, I have made PROGRESS.  

I want to move forward.  I want to upgrade and improve where I was before.  

As I have written in previous posts.... if asked what my New Year's Resolution is, I would have to be 'different' and say that I've changed a resolution into a brand new Year of.... PROGRESS.  A resolution is the act of finding an answer and so this year, in all things I do... I am looking to make a movement toward a goal.  Same thing, I guess.... depending how you want to put a spin on it.

Half full, black/white, yin yang.... it's all semantics.

I had real trouble getting my day started because I couldn't download my photos.  Boink!  Stopped in my tracks.  I was so excited about my new year, a new post and all things related to this.  

...I just wanted to get up.  It's my day off from work. I wanted to bring my computer into the kitchen to enjoy the morning sunshine (when I'm most creative) and the snow (it was about 5 degrees with fresh snow, beautiful and sunny) in my pj's with my ice coffee and type with my subconscious.

... and then I couldn't load the pictures I wanted.  

As most days.... in the past.... I would be so upset.... there was nothing I could do about my situation. Move on, move FORWARD.... make some PROGRESS.   

So, it's 2pm.... not my most creative time and I'm almost done with this post.  Confusing, I know!  

But I have made PROGRESS.  I learned what I was doing wrong and was able to upload today's photos.  

Today, I wanted to highlight that I'm still 'creating'.... my mixed media snowman, and I'm still taking pictures of the world outside my window..... two things I want to continue to work on.... painting and composition.

And so there you have it.  Today's blog post.  Not exactly what I wanted, but for right now.... I can end with.... I'm still a work in PROGRESS.

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