Sunday, October 14, 2012

My fall mantle

 Staying true to my SELF or my Year of SELF.... I am learning. Every day I'm trying to Seek out and LEARN something new!!!!

I looked at my fire place mantle yesterday and said to my SELF...Yuck!!!  although I dust it... I hadn't changed it for awhile.  That my friends is BORING!!! Staying the same day in and day out... is boring to my type 4 personality.  I like changes... controlled changes that I'm in charge of....

I had all of my fall stuff out anyways to decorate the front porch... it's all placed in my Type 4 special orange and black storage bin... I visit Pinterest so much I thought.... you just have to put things together and get some color going... so I used all my own old 'stuff' and put this little vignette together in less than 10 minutes... and I'm so liking it! It's perfect to brighten up our family room!
It has been a very long time since I felt the need to make some adjustments and changesin my life, in my style, in my art... everywhere....about me... mySELF... and I'm learning from seeing so many cool ideas on Pinterest just how much I miss frugally decorating my house. Making an extra effort truly makes it more like a cozy warm home... and then on the cheap when you re-use stuff you just had laying around in a bin in the crawl space!

I'm working at it, my SELF... S-seeking, E-exploring, L-learning and F-finding!!!

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