Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No. 2

A SHINE Girl post....

During week one of the SHINE Girl project my BE. DO.
SHARE part was to make something out of the this months Shineworks item.... a pencil or many....

As a wannabe creative writer and a master crafter, I had to come up with something to combine both of my interests .... so here is what I made!

Fun, fuzzy, and friendly pipe cleaner pencil toppers!

Nothing is more fun than crazy googlie eyes!
What's more fuzzy than a crafty pipe cleaners?
And what's more cute, cuddly and friendly than bunnies and chicks with feathers, wings, ears and fluff ball tails?
I put them in a FuN box of SHINE care package to Sissy, my college Freshman at Mizzou.  And this is what she thought when she saw them.....
I take full credit for creating my own pipe cleaner Easter critters, but give kudos to those who pinned their ideas first on Pinterest.
What's even more fun than bunnies and chicks???? .... is creating cute monsters (like Muppets) with two different size eyes, feathers, horns, wings, noses....
You name it (or create it) !!! 

Anything twisted with a colorful pipe cleaner can brighten someone's day and add a little SHINE!

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