Monday, September 13, 2010

Monday Morning Quarterbacking

First of all, YAY! Packers!   Win!
By the way, this is the birthday card I made for my lovely mom.  It kind of has an earthy fall feeling to it. Don't cha thin?
Things that make you go hmmm:
What is it with rude people? I ask DH all the time "Did you see that?" and he says"See what?" I know that I'm more observant than the average joe.  I have more time to observe.  A few weeks ago in Sam's Club as we were waiting in the check out line, I turn and people watch.  And my oh my are there some people to watch!  As this older gentleman walked pushing his cart, his mission to find an open lane and get (the hell) out of there, encountered a young child dancing about without a care in the world in the middle of the wide aisle (You know the part right before the check out lanes?)  He said boldly ( but it could have been coldly?gruffly?  Maybe he just has a loud booming voice, or maybe he wanted the child to hear him) "Watch Out".... to which the pregnant mother (in an entirely different aisle) along with her mother, clueless husband and baby in the cart finally turn their attention back to their wondering child... rush up to her and ask, what did that man say to you?  The child shrugs and the agitated mother who was not aware of  her young child's antics at all (but I was watching the show) says. .. I think he told her to "Watch Out".  With mommy grizzly bear eyes, she looks like she wants to chase after the 'old man'.... who didn't have to be rude, just because she is a child doesn't mean she isn't a human being. The husband says drop it, and the grandmother tends to the other ignored child in the shopping cart.  Did the older gentleman "YELL" at the child, or merely in a commanding voice warn the child? You know how kids listen? or don't listen!!! Was the unsupervised dancing child in harms way? And when do parents need to take responsibility to watch their children and teach them manners to stick with the cart and move out of peoples way, after all, a store is not a park to play in.

1 comment:

Cheryl Houston said...

He should have run that dancing toddler over! 100 points!

HA, ha. Just kidding.

I'm apologetic to other adults when my boys (even now at 8 & 9) are running through the grocery store trying to just stay on the white squares lest they meet their death but I can only yell at them so much. If some old man had yelled Watch out to them I would have laughed and said, SEE! I told you to stop! :) She should have been watching her toddler in my opinion.


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