Ok... all the advertising for holiday shopping is getting to me already, and I really don't watch that much tv or read the entire newspaper for ads or open all the emails I get. I'm overwhelmed!!
But the month of November and December have birthdays (just a few) and then get togethers with family and friends, and everybody you meet talks about how the holidays are here already... and they're not ready, so that makes YOU feel not ready.
Sigh!! (breathe)
I'm okay! I'll just remember what my dh has always told me, when you are overwhelmed take a step back... and it's like eating an elephant... one bite at a time....now deep breath!!!
We picked up the college boy who took a nice coach bus and was dropped off at a major mall nearby this past Friday night, and then we said adios to Sissy who went on a school field trip to Pigeon Forge Tennessee! The dogs are so confused with who is in the house and who isn't. Plus the hubby was out of town the first part of last week on a two night trip to Atlanta... but I'm still here!! sadly I say 'I'm always here... I need to change that, and real soon!!!'
It was a beautiful weekend here in the midwest.... time for walks, cleaning up the yard from all the leaf debris, lovely dinners, wine, home improvements, dusting the cobwebs and even a little play time in my creative space. So much to do... so little time!
I'm also in the process of reading Harper Lee's To Catch a Mockingbird... so far it is an excellent book. (For book club I'm hosting next month!!) I started knitting a scarf... I've got card orders (I love that.... please always remember.... cards for sale!!!! Celebrate extraordinary events and remarkable people in your life!!!)
I like being a little bit busy!!! No comments... really, compared to some... my life is soooo quiet!!
Come back and visit with me again. This weekend is a wrap!!!