It's November!
Did you get booed yesterday??
The picture above is something I doodled, but is not my original design... it's been posted on my desk bulletin board forEVER... I like looking at it, it makes me smile!!!
We had 42 little goblins visit us last night, that is about 20 - 30 down from years in the past. I read on another blog that their numbers were down too! How come???
Lots of little wee ones came to visit, they were fun to see. Their fun and fuzzy costumes are too too cute! I think it kept them warm in our cold 45 degree mid west weather!
I must admit most ALL the kids this year actually said "Trick or Treat" and most ALL said Thank You! Shocking!
But two funny things I noticed... a group of about 6 girls about 10-14 years old (all dressed up) stopped by... one girl asked me if she could have extra candy for her friend. I thought that was a weird request... for her friend, what? who hadn't come along treatin? But I gave her extra candy... and then she pointed to the friend next to her who was on a "CELL PHONE" talking and couldn't open her treat bag.... WHAT? and then another weird thing... I saw the cute little pumpkin totes, and pillow cases and even plastic grocery bags... but one girl (about 14 years old) just held out her hand.... she was putting her candy in her friends' bag.
What surprises lurk around the corner for my next post?
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