Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Down to Earth

Here is the test whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't~ Richard Bach
I think I'm sensible, practical and genuine... all words to describe someone who is Down to Earth according to the online Urban Dictionary.  I give a hoot and try not to pollute.  I want to leave the smallest carbon footprint that I can and I want to go green!  My buddy Herb Garden is going to try and help me do that this year!

Week #17 - LIFE'S simple pleasures ~ all things EARTH

I'm going GREEN.  Working on obtaining my GREEN thumb. It's not easy being GREEN.
This year I decided to try my hand at growing a herb garden.  I received a basic kit as a gift for my birthday from my DH (dear husband).  It came with all the fixins to start off 5 different herbs, cilantro, parsley, sweet basil, oregano,  & chives and then he added two extra packets of spearmint & butterfly weed and I added a Forget-Me-Nots packet.
Since I like to cook, and I think I like to garden, and I love to be outside in the sunSHINE, and I love to tell a story,  I thought I would give it a try and start my own little corner of FRESHness in my own (window on the world) backyard.
First you have to start in doors, there is still the possibility of a frost here in the mid West. I have the dirt beneath my nails to prove I'm down to Earth! And we also need more than 1 day in a row with sunSHINE!!!  A little bit of water... and some encouraging words.... grow, grow, grow!!!! ** Please note, I did recycle here, the 3 little pots on the right were all from my stash... one is a sweetly painted Mother's Day pot from child of mine when they were in grade school!
Come on back and visit me again and see how Peggy, Peggy quite contrary.... how does your garden grow???
There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling. ~Mirabel Osler


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