Monday, October 04, 2010

Silly Bird

- Peep at you
- My week at a glance (well not my week)
- Hope on wing and a prayer

More punch art.  Cute Stuff from Little hearts for beaks, silly head 'feathers' made from flowers, flower petals for bird feet.  Need a good line to go inside the card.... cuckoo for you? This card I think could easily go through the mail without causing problems to the sorting machine. It's flat, yet dimensional.

The kid's highschool won their homecoming football game.  It was a cold night for the dance on Saturday, fall has made it to the mid-west.  Sissy looked pretty. I'll transfer photos soon.  Bubba had fun at his 'last' high school homecoming dance.  Sissy said.... eh? it was okay.  My week at a glance.... gather snacks for v-ball players, donating money, cleaning the house, walking the dogs, waiting for the guy who brings the bacon home to make it here from NYC.... other glances are much more fun-ner.

I was reading something, I know I didn't make it up. I'm not that smart!  But I'm fortunate right now to choose an area where I would like to work.  Something I would enjoy to do and I don't have to settle to take a job that I'm over qualified, under paid... I should do something I love.  Other than knowing this step, I don't know what the heck the next thing would be to do to get to the next step.  Help!

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