Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Art

I thought outside the box, slightly. The subway art layout that I learned on my on-line class called Mouse, Paper, Scissors-Give with Jessica Sprague and Heidi Swapp... allows you to create anything... once you have a few ideas and the time to play around.

My hands are giddy with excitement as I type this, but my head is swimming with confusion. Once I learn how to do something, I get it. The thing is... I don't know enough about PSE (Photo Shop Elements 8... that's the version I have) so, if I were to make a mistake, I don't know how to un-due it. Most people would just play around.... I don't want to make the time to play around to learn something... give me the facts and then let me go.

I tried to save my 8-1/2 x 11 poster with the holiday flair about 6 times and then tried to find it to post on my blog. I really don't need it 6 times... but I don't want to take up space on my computers memory... so I should get rid of at least 5... don't you think??

This is ONE of my major issues about learning something new. At times I'm ready to toss my mouse out the window because I can't get it! And now I'm unsure of myself once I learn this how many new ways I can incorporate the awesomeness, but I can't remember it all. Use it or loose it!! Such a dilemma.

Our house is in a small amount of turmoil. The college boy comes home tomorrow. The teenage girl has an attitude, the mom feels like a maid and the husband has already worked and dealt with board of directors 12+ hours extra this week. At least the sun is Sh!Ning and it's a balmy 25 degrees! Oh Joy.... to the world

1 comment:

Cheryl Houston said...

Way too cute! It can be frustrating learing new things in the technical realm but I think you're doing a great job! And- yeah, go back and delete the ones that aren't just right. :)


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