Monday, January 05, 2009

Feels Like Monday!

Yay! It's Monday... is everything back to 'normal' in your house? Ah, the sounds of alarm clocks going off at 5:55 am... like music to my ears!!
It seems as if other bloggers and websites and cardmaking message boards are all getting their groove back on as well. One of my favorite artists/teacher/blogger, Michele Zindorf, is back with tutorials on her blog. This is one of the four of hers I did this weekend. I am so excited to see what she has to teach. A great landscape by just rubbing some ink into the paper, then few stamps here and there, or a little added drawing by me and you have a picture perfect card!
Just amazingly fun!! Hope you have a wonderful Monday to start off the week and a great week to start off your new year!!!
"When you wake up in the morning complete the the following statement, 'My purpose is to _______ today."


Cheryl Houston said...

When you wake up in the morning complete the the following statement, 'My purpose is to PRODUCTIVE today."

K Hutchinson said...

awww I really liked the sound of alarm today too! Which I did not have a headache but I am sure at about 1pm it will be gone when - Mr. Ink heads off to work! te he he!

Your card is gorgeous - you should enter it in Mixed Media Monday this week- the challenge is MOON!


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