Friday, August 12, 2011

THE Quilt

TA-DA!! The t-shirt quilt is done! Well, it has been done for a while, but it's time to fold it up and box it with all the college 'stuff'.

My mom did an amazing job sewing everything together!!!! I had kept some of Bubba's t-shirts since his first sports teams when he started at four. Soccer, baseball, basketball, pro sports teams he liked, school t-shirts, and ones that just made up his name.

I cut the shirts into somewhat squares and my mom did her sewing magic. I also helped knotting black and gold (Hawkeye school colors) yarn, tying the quilt together.

This quilt is twin long so it should hopefully fit on the dorm bed!

A project that has taken 14 years, moved from three different houses to three different states, for one terrific kid who is now heading off to college : priceless

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

The quilt is gorgeous! What a labor of love! I love that he has a bucks square! This has to be bitter sweet for you,


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