Monday, August 16, 2010

Inspired to Shine!

In a world where we have come to expect quick results and immediate gratification, how resilient are we?

Force behind the House of Shine
Powering the Planet with Shine
This weekend I saw both Eat Pray Love (in the movie theater) and Julie / Julia ( borrowed from the local library).... both total chick movies, both books I read before seeing the movie.  Books recommended by Oprah, NY Seller bests lists, book clubs everywhere....books and stories woman of ... what would you call it, it was so easy to call it the 80s or 90s....woman of the oughts, what are we calling this decade anyway???.... I looked it up... nobody knows yet. The Zeros, the Two thousands, the Naughts, the Oughts, the Oh Ohs, the 'me' decade?  Women who were writers, who lost themselves in their lives, but then either started a blog or went on a journey to find themselves. And every woman in the audience be her a 20 something or anywhere in-between, up to a cotton top (my word for gray haired people....I'm not there yet)... can relate to these stories of finding a purpose, exploring your world, feeling worth in your every day existence, to feel good!
Both of these cards were made to go in the Awning Shop at the HOS,.... one day (stay tuned).  A creative greeting!! card someone can write a profound note, a silly little quote, a grand compliment and send it off to that special someone who SHINES.  Someone who spreads a ray of light in what they do!

1 comment:

K Hutchinson said...

Your cards are sooo adorable! I have not been to a movie in a long time! I need to go! Sounds like fun!


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