Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pimp my Ride

Well, I think I got the "new" header situation finished.... finally!  This photo shop and blogger stuff seems easy enough, maybe I'm the one making it complicated!!!

On yesterday's blog post I left you with a teaser.... as part of my next stage in LIFE, I'm going to have to make some changes.  I'm sure to anyone else, these things I'm doing aren't really a big deal ... but last week, two months ago, 15 years ago.... I was a full time stay-at-home mom.... now I am no longer the day to day hands on mom, we've become empty nesters and now I am the mom of two college students!! I'm at a new stage of LIFE.

Thus, my car has grown up too!  No longer is Mickey waving his sweet hello, no longer am I displaying our average stick family with two kids (boy and girl) and two dogs ... my decals now promote that we are associated with two big colleges!!

University of Iowa - Hawkeyes

University of Missouri - Tigers
Week #34 LIFE'S simple pleasures - stages of LIFE
So, what's my car say about me now???  The license plate is Illinois, my license plate frame is Green Bay Packers and I have two out of state decals representing colleges I never went to.
I did a little research.  There is a website called College Confidential .... the question was asked, "Do you have a college sticker on your car?"  I enjoyed reading each post on the thread and agree with many.
Having the kid's college decals on the rear window of my car makes me smile and think of both of them each time I walk around to my driver's seat.  It helps me to find my car in a sea of blue Honda Pilots in the parking lot.  I'm proud of my children and it shows school spirit and sometimes is a way to stike up a conversation and meet other parents who are either alumni or have kids at those schools.  And somebody behind me can laugh and think.... I know where all your money went!!!!
And then there are those may think it's boastful.  There are others who thought it would give a reason for a stupid rebel to key their car. I don't want to think about it those ways!!
This week I am embracing some of my changes! I am the proud parent of two wonderful individuals... this business of training little humans for LIFE is a mind boggling process!
Making a big life change is pretty scary.  But know what's even scarier? Regret

Stay tuned to see what's next in the nest!

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