Saturday, August 10, 2013

Who Said LIFE was Fair

Enjoy the simple pleasures in LIFE!!!!

Don't let them pass you by.... you do have a moment.... make a moment and slow down!!!
This week my blog has highlighted going to the Fair. 

There are so many different kind of Fairs to attend.  Just like finding those simple pleasures in LIFE.... there is probably a Fair to attract like minding, fun, creative.... artsty fartsy types.... Like a Starving Artist Fair.  My home town had one of those.  I like the name.... Starving Artist.... you do art because you have a passion and a love.... not because you want to make money!

Not until my kids were a little older in elementary school did we attend our first Book Fair.  I just loved helping set them up.  I've highlighted numerous times this year, in some form or manner.... that books are a wonderful simple pleasure!!!  Book Fairs are great..... you can buy wonderful new books at great prices and it benefits the school or library that sponsors the Fair.

County Fairs, 4H Fairs, Science Fairs.... State Fairs..... all amazing places to see goods and services sponsored by young people who have a passion for caring for their environment, the land and showcases how we can use the world and see it's resources today..... and in the future.
Who doesn't love the great smells when walking through the cow barn on a 95 degree day in the summer????

There are Street Fairs and Music Fairs..... Renaissance Faires and  Balloon Festivals.  All throughout the year.... local newspapers highlight special events throughout the city, county and state. 
A fair is a great place to see new things and get to know your area.  It's a place to exercise and to people watch.  It's a place to sample new foods and just sit and relax. It's a place to create a nice memory.
Let's all go to the fair!!!!  LIFE'S simple pleasure!!!

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