- Images not up to standard - REJECTED
- Views, amazement, unspeakable
- Challenge
Yep, these are the images that didn't quite make the cut. As much as I try, not all my Zindorf's turn out just like Michelles, on the first try. Or, they are not quite like what I thought they should be. I practice and practice, like any true artist. Oooh, such a nice word, artist! I wouldn't sell my worst work, I wouldn't give a way just mediocre artwork. But, I don't think my images that didn't make the cut aren't that bad. I have to figure out a 'new' use for those that didn't make it. Tags, collages.....
Arizona license plate, idea from MK
Because I'm home, I have a lot of time (a lot!).... so it seems. Can I talk dumb tv. Well, I don't know if I want to... I'm scared. Not that anyone reads this, but I am shocked and distressed and worried ... literally about nothing! These invasive body scans that flyers will have to go through at the airport. REALLY.... who is against racial profiling....a 3 year old girl (although if I were a terrorist it would be a perfect decoy) does not need to be strip searched. Muslim men, 18-35, buying tickets with cash and no luggage. Duh?? Political correctness, PUH-lease!!!! Congress people on Ethics trials, who feel they are above the law and deserve more than anyone else. People in front of a microphone and camera who spout off their view without any basis or facts to back them up. How easy it is to criticize someone whom you've never met, based on how they look or the family they come from. Forget about all that 'crap'!!!! We have people fighting in wars for our freedom, we have government raising our taxes, but no longer have jobs for people. We have too many people used to doing nothing to get something they think they deserve. I could go on and on, but sometimes it's so hard to wrap my finger or my mind around all the strangely wrong preoccupation that surrounds 'reality'. ratings, money, ill informed idiots
It seems as if this is the road to no where.
Love the shimmer on the lake.
I need to take you off the reject pile, and re-direct you somewhere else to be more productive!
Today's challenge word: Cardinal
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