Monday, January 30, 2012

Balancing Act

This bird balancing on wire is too cute. Maybe he's walking the wire with no problem and just strutting his feathers! 

I think maybe I've showed him before, which means I really need to clean out my archives.... get fresh for the new year and the new SELF.  You can often forget what you have if you don't easily see it, or if it's visible you still may look at it not knowing it's really there. This weeks goal: organize and  purge my studio and my camera!

I got a notice from my GYNO office that I missed an appointment last year.  It's not that I was THAT busy by any means, but I figure over the last 18 years having two kids that I have been in the waiting room of many doctors offices from Tennessee to Wisconsin.  I'm so very fortunate to have medical insurance and  healthy children, most of these were only wellness checks or annual exams.  For each child alone I have been on at least:24 physician visits, 28 dentist visits, 14 orthodontist visits and 8 optometrist visits.  I may have been lucky that some appointments were together, one child went through two phases of braces, and that doesn't include the times seeing a specialist or going back to pick up a prescriptions or to get an extra shot, which totals approximately 148 visits. 

Now hang on, add to that my doctor visits (I'm not even including pre-natal visits, that's too long ago) I come up with about 100 times walking into some sort of medical office from having mammograms and blood tests to eyeglass and contact adjustments.... for a grand total of 248 (at least!!!) That averages to 13.7 times a year!   I have been to the doctor at least once a month for the past 18 years... (no wonder I missed an appointment!) 


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